5 Easy Tips for Mindfulness at Work

You know that feeling when you’re at work and you realize your mind has been drifting to other things. You’re not sure where the last five minutes went, but suddenly you’re thinking about that show on Netflix or whether your pet goldfish is okay on its own for another eight hours. That’s a perfect example of how we can mindlessly drift through our day. The good news is there are a few small things we can do to be more mindful, even while at work!

Make lists.

The key to being more mindful is to be intentional about it. The best way to do this is by making lists:

  • a list of things you need to do, like cleaning the kitchen or organizing your files
  • a list of things you want to do, like read a novel or go for a run
  • a list of things you have done and are proud of, perhaps in work or school or with friends and family
  • a list of things you have been grateful for, whether they are small or large (maybe someone gave up their seat on the subway)

Set reminders.

Set reminders.

You can use a calendar or planner, to-do list, reminder app (like Google Calendar), pomodoro timer or timer app to help you remember to take the time for mindfulness. Set reminders for yourself so that you don’t miss out on this important practice.

Take breaks.

You may be surprised to learn that taking breaks is an important part of mindfulness, especially when you’re at work. Taking breaks helps you focus and stay on task, as well as relax and recharge your energy levels.

Although it might seem counterintuitive, taking regular breaks actually boosts your productivity. By giving yourself a chance to step away from the grind for just a few minutes, you give your brain time to process what has happened so far — which is essential when trying to stay on track throughout the day.

Be kind to others, but most importantly, be kind to yourself.

Be kind to others, but most importantly, be kind to yourself.

  • Treat yourself well. Many of us are our own worst critics and tend to berate ourselves for perceived failures and shortcomings. Learn how to give yourself a break and allow yourself the space you need to grow.
  • Be compassionate with others as well. Everyone has their moments when they’re not at their best—including you! So don’t judge or be critical of others who may not always seem perfect or accomplished in all things; instead, offer them encouragement and support so that they can feel more confident in themselves and their abilities moving forward.* Use positive self-talk (i.e., “I am good enough”) rather than negative self-talk (i.e., “I’m such a failure”).

Mindfulness can help you think and work more clearly at work.

Mindfulness is a practice of being aware of your thoughts, emotions and surroundings. It’s about being in the moment and focusing on what you’re doing rather than letting your mind wander to other things.

If you’re trying to do your job but are constantly thinking about something else, mindfulness can help you be more focused and productive at work.

It can also help you be more aware of your surroundings—a valuable skill for anyone who works in an office setting that involves lots of people coming and going (like in an open floor plan).


Remember these tips next time you’re feeling overwhelmed at work. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of the day, but by taking a step back and practicing some mindfulness, you can be more productive and feel less stressed. If you don’t think mindfulness is for you, give it a try! There’s no downside to trying something new.

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